Clean Energy Solutions

Generate your own clean energy on site with a fully customized system.

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Leading Edge Technology

McCormack designs and constructs on-site power generation systems with the world’s leading-edge power generation technologies. Project types typically fall into the categories listed below.

Bifacial Rooftop Solar Systems

The right solar design can yield as much as 37% greater solar production, increased tax credits (and potentially access to otherwise unobtainable renewable energy credits), for minimal added net investment dollars.

Bifacial solar panels, when installed as part of a comprehensive energy system, can be a game changer with respect to boosting energy production. These panels collect energy directly from the sun’s rays, as well as from refracted light.

Carports with Integrated Solar

Whether you are seeking to add a cutting-edge design element to your property, add more solar capacity, or simply provide shade to your building patrons, solar carports offer a great solution.
Historically, solar carports have not been the most aesthetically pleasing. In most cases you can see the wiring running from panel to panel or down the structural beams, and the design does not compliment the building structure that the carport serves.

We have partnered with multiple steel fabricators to develop custom solutions for our clients that are site specific. These solutions are designed to architecturally compliment their surroundings . . . and in some cases enhance production when compared to more traditional options.

Battery Energy Storage

The secret to making commercial solar economically viable lies in storage. Storage systems may not be necessary to power certain businesses at night – but it is nearly always necessary to help reduce utility demand charges.

But up until very recently, adding batteries to a commercial installation was cost prohibitive. This is because the projected lifespan of the batteries needed was about 30% – 50% of the projected lifespan of the solar systems that were feeding them. And the projected degradation of these batteries made the economic case for them even less attractive.

But a breakthrough in battery technology has changed all of this. Today, commercial energy systems can be equipped with batteries that will last 25+ years and have a projected degradation of less than 10%.

These batteries are a big part of what makes McCormack’s energy systems different than the energy systems of the past.

Ground Mounted Solar

Not every property has enough roof space (or parking area) to accommodate a solar array that can achieve a 100% energy offset.

In these cases, ground mounted solar can often be an option. Ground mounted fixed tilt arrays, single access trackers, or dual axis trackers can all be installed to supplement production. And in some cases – especially within agricultural settings, the ground below can continue to be used with the right approach.

Ground mounted systems can often be an optimal solar solution, as these systems usually have more flexibility in layout

Agricultural Solar Energy Systems

Farms have the most to gain from going solar. Savings on energy costs can translate into a significant increase in net income.

McCormack offers a turn-key program for farms looking to produce their own clean energy. Our service package for farms includes: (1) grant application completion, (2) origination of system financing, (3) assistance with tax credit resale [if necessary], (4) system design and engineering, (5) material procurement, (6) construction, (7) system commissioning, and (8) completion of the “permission to operate” process with the utility.

The long-term benefit of clean energy systems for farms can be huge. These systems can help farms hedge against inflation, be more competitive in the marketplace, and present themselves as more sustainable.

Hybrid Solar + Fuel Cell Systems

With certain applications (like hotels, office buildings, and certain medical buildings) there just isn’t enough available square footage for solar to produce the amount of energy that’s necessary.
In these applications, a hybrid solar + fuel cell system can be optimal. The fuel cell can be used to cover the base load of the facility that runs 24/7, and the solar can be used to cover any additional power needs that occur during daylight hours. Solar can also be paired with energy storage to help cover peak power in the evening, which the fuel cell is still running.

Most fuel cells currently run off of natural gas, but they are considered a form of clean energy (and are subsidized as such) due to their extremely low emissions as compared to traditional generators.
In the future, fuel cells demand may increase further in California, as our state is trying to incentivize the use of hydrogen (which can be used as an alternative fuel source to natural gas).